General Assembly Resolutions
GA 17-1
Adopted (Completed)To receive and adopt the Treasurer’s Report and the RSPO’s financial statement for the year ended 30 June 2020.To receive and adopt the Treasurer’s Report and the RSPO’s financial statement for the year ended 30 June 2020. -
GA 17-2A
Adopted (Completed)CHANGE OF AUDITORSBACKGROUND: At the 16th General Assembly, the issue to consider a change of our financial auditors was raised. It was recognised that it is good practice to have a regular change of auditors and that it will be considered for the next financial year. Therefore, in this year’s General... -
GA 17-2B
Adopted (Completed)RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE RSPO STATUTES TO FORMALISE THE NEW VOTING FORMAT, VIRTUAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND OTHER GENERAL AMENDMENTSTHIS RESOLUTION PROPOSES: That the Statutes of the RSPO be amended: (i) to allow for a General Assembly to be held exclusively by electronic means without a venue; (ii) to formalise the new voting format in accordance with the adopted Resolution GA16-6d; (ii) to use gender-neutral language...
- For
- Against
- Abstain
- Spoilt